Murrurundi Pioneer Cottage

127 Mayne Street Murrurundi, NSW, 2338, Australia [View Map]

The Murrurundi Pioneer cottage came to Murrurundi from a farm called Allston out of Timor Way and was built in 1889. The cottage was taken piece by piece from the farm and resettled in Murrurundi in the late 1990s.

The cottage is of slab wood construction and corrugated iron roof housing four rooms including a kitchen, dining/lounge room and two bedrooms. All the items housed in the cottage from the milk and butter churns to the newspaper-lined wall are original and still of sound construction. The exterior is coated in whitewash paint (lime, salt and warm water).

Accompanying the structure is an outside toilet (dunny) and a stables holding the original mangle and a one-horse dray used for carting goods along with a sulky for transport into Murrurundi to buy supplies. This is a real and complete step back in history with all the implements used by farmers in the country including wax candlestick makers, wire wove beds, lanterns, hanging meat safes, food coolers, treadle sewing machines and other 19th-century living items.

The cottage was built by the Ivin family and donated to the community by the descendants, the Musgrave family.


  • Welcomes and assists people who have challenges with learning, communication, understanding and behaviour. (includes people with autism, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, acquired brain injury (ABI), dyslexia and dementia)
  • Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)


  • Gallery / Museum
  • Free Wifi
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This listing was added to The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse on 01 Dec, 2024 by Murrurundi and District Historical Society Inc.. Creative Valleys has made every effort to make sure this listings is current and accurate, however we do not accept any liability in the event of errors found above.
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