The Butchers Mural

44 Park St Gresford, NSW, 2311, Australia [View Map]

Drive into Gresford and you may spot a fun and playful mural on the side of the local Butchers. This mural is part of a grand vision for Gresford…. to ‘bring the Gresford area alive with beautiful murals for the community and visitors to enjoy’. This is the mission of the Gorgeous Gresford Mural Committee, and each time you visit you might discover another mural or public art piece enlightening the landscape.
The Butcher Mural was painted by Newcastle based mural artist Dan Bianco.

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This listing was added to The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse on 29 Nov, 2023 by Arts Upper Hunter. Creative Valleys has made every effort to make sure this listings is current and accurate, however we do not accept any liability in the event of errors found above.
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